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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


hye peepz...
want to make something diffrent..
write in ENGLISH!

demmm~ bajet P0WER~...
do i care... lalala...

kkkk... bck to origin.
just now during anatomy n physiology class, i got topic to describe..
and it was menoPAUSE..

*beb, why suddenly u make the 'pause' words in CAPITAL LETTER?
kuang ajaqqq naa...
no lah,not my itention at all.

you...yes, lah... you are the one... *if u a girl/woman....not PONDAN~
please Q for having this disease.. hehe... (including me, soon..when i was 40/50++) hehehe

menopause is the transition period in a woman's life when her OVARIES stop producing eggs,her body produce less ESTROGEN and PROGESTERONE, mesturation become less frequent eventually stopping altogether.

what?? omaigod.... i'm so scared now...menopause,pls back OFF from me... dush2..
*merepek! never ever... it will come, slowly but surely!!

symptoms ;

1. headache
2. night sweat (insomia) heart beat (papitations)
4.weight gain
5. vaginal dryness
6. irritability
7. aching joint and muscle
8.increase dizziness and apetite

h0w to prevent??

naaa.. u go girl... now i give u the best answer to prevent this from getting worst!

control blood pressure,cholestrol,risk for the heart disease
DO NOT smoke!
eat a low fat diet
take vitamin D and calcium
family with Octeoprosis (bone weakness) history, further please ask for medical might have big chances to have menoPAUSE at bad stage later. =)


ask for hrmone therapy (HT)
* doctor should aware with your medical history first before giving you UBAT!.

p/s: remember sayang2ku,

that's all from now..
till we meet again SAYANG~

l0ve YOU n never get tired,

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