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Saturday, July 30, 2011


(seram gila pic ni.. hahaha)

salam and holla!!

hari yg indah.. eh silap... malam yg damai, langit yg cantik, angin yg dari tadi menampar2 lembut pipi ni.. terasa sejuk angin malam...
so lovely~

hari ini nak bercerita tentang bone fracture. atau dlm bhasa ibunda kita > kerosakkan tulang.

mengikut definisi wikipedia ialah :

A bone fracture (sometimes abbreviated FRX or Fx, Fx, or #) is a medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity of the bone. A bone fracture can be the result of high force impact or stress, or trivial injury as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis, bone cancer, or osteogenesis imperfecta, where the fracture is then properly termed a pathologic fracture.
Although broken bone and bone break are common colloquialisms for a bone fracture, break is not a formal orthopedic term.

bone fracture can be classified in three condition;

1.Closed (simple) fractures are those in which the skin is intact, tulang patah di dalam badan.tiada jangkitan berlaku.

2.Open (compound) fractures involve wounds that communicate with the fracture, or where fracture hematoma is exposed, and may thus expose bone to contamination. Open injuries carry a higher risk of infection. * terdedah kpd jangikitan, tulangnnya menembusi kulit badan.

3.Compression fractures usually occurs in the vertebrae, for example when the front portion of a vertebra in the spine collapses due to osteoporosis (a medical condition which causes bones to become brittle and susceptible to fracture, with or without trauma). *tulang rapuh, akibat kekurangan kalsium bukan patah akibat kecederaan parah.

selalu, yg sering mengalami tulang2 patah ni.. yg kena belasah, kena langgar
2.atlet sukan
3.n many more.

terdapat beberapa treatment untuk mereka yg mengalami bone fracture.

1. kalau nampak seseorang yg mungkin mengalami bone fracture, tlong jgn alih2kan badannya. telefon paramediks dgn segera.
atau ambil segala objek yg lurus untuk ampuh anggota yg cedera dan di sangka patah itu perlahan2 dan ikat pada objek itu.

*tp sgt risky tau.. careful.kalau takut, better call ambulance.. biar abg2 paramediks yg kacak2 tu yg sttlekan.. ;)

2. X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan

simptoms2 tulang patah :

• Swelling around the broken bone area ( benjolan sekitar tulang yg patah)
• Bruises will appear in due time after the bone is fractured ( lebam atau warna biru akn jelas kelihatan setelah tulang patah dalam beberapa jam selepas itu)
• Bleeding when there is an open fracture ( pendarahan berlaku sekiranya tulang patah dalam kondisi *open fracture*)
• Severe pain in the injured area ( kesakitan di kwasan tempat sakit/tulang)
• Failure of free movements for the injured body part ( ketidak upayaan pergerakan di bahagian sakit)
• Inability to move the fractured limb when there is nerve damage ( tidak dapat mengggerakan bhagian kaki kerana kerosakan saraf)
• Deformity when there is the displacement of the bone ( tulang beralih tempat)

rawatan :

3.internal fixation ( ni ada dlm citer grace anatomy) kalau tulang tralilh di bhgian bahu sbb main rugby for example, doktor tulang *Ortopedik akan HENTAM sikit bahu korang.. untuk alihkan smula tulang ke tmpt asal.. tp kesakitan dlm 3 saat cmtu je.. haha.. tapi sakittttttt!!!

tu je.. malas letak picture tulang2 patah.. nanti ada yg hhisteria...

ok,slmt brkongsi ilmu..

tc all...

lurva ya..

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